Here at Comic Press we understand that sending your books away to a stranger can be daunting, however, we will do our upmost to enhance your books to their fullest potential. We supply Before and After photographs (free of charge!) to show the work done and improvements made. All our cleaning methods use non-invasive techniques. If for whatever reason we feel that your book won’t benefit from being cleaned and pressed, or perhaps too fragile, then we will never proceed without first contacting you and explaining why your book may not be a good contender for cleaning and pressing procedures.

The pressing of the book helps alleviate creases and bends, however there are a number of non-pressable defects to be aware of before, for example colour breaking spine nicks or folds in the paper, tears or cut-outs, staple tear, loose or missing pages, rusty staples, staining, etc.

While we are not currently affiliated with any of the Grading company facilitators, we are able to make a number of recommendations and advise you of how you send your books off to be graded.